
Our awarded team can aid in reaching your potential and existing customers and make them take action while watching or searching for videos on YouTube.

Work with us

What is YouTube Advertising and why is it important?

YouTube advertising, done through Google Ads, is a way of advertising video content on YouTube to maximize results on various objectives (Brand Awareness & Reach, Product and Brand Consideration, Website Traffic and Sales). YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine while Greek audience is one of the top YouTube content consumers worldwide. Although advertising costs are much lower, YouTube is acknowledged to be the next gen Television and one of the best and most effective ways to reach a broad audience.

Why Sleed

Our team has many years of experience in planning and executing campaigns of different scales and objectives on multiple fields. In order to achieve the maximum results on YouTube, we implement a framework taking into account 4 major pillars: Planning – Content – Advertising – Measurement

Planning Strategy: This is our first priority, when we start working on a new project. Usually, the main challenge for a successful YouTube campaign, especially for established and popular websites, is to determine who we are and what we want to succeed through our YouTube campaign. Our team leverages Google insights & tools to define objectives, audiences and projected results.

Content Strategy: We do a very thorough Research for the client’s services and products, we analyze the Competition as well and come up with detailed proposals as to what kind of video content the client needs to create. We also provide extensive creative guidelines for every possible video format and campaign subtype.

Advertising Strategy: We make sure that our client will get the best result via YouTube Ads, utilizing multiple ad formats and features depending on client’s needs or/and campaign phase.


Measurement Strategy: We constantly monitor YouTube campaigns to ensure that their performance is aligned with our plan and goals. We implement Brand Lift and Search Lift studies to measure the exact impact of our YouTube Ads.

As Google Premier Partners, we have early access to beta features, best practices and Google’s internal tools that are decisive to our YouTube Campaigns’ success.

Is Sleed a right fit for my business?

Typical YouTube Advertising Approach

Νοt getting involved on content creation and just use the final video

YouTube Ads are part of a single campaign

The typical targeting and ad format options are used

Sleed’s Approach

Sleed tend to get actively involved in content creation and gives feedback in every step of the procedure

Sleed faces video marketing as a part of a full-funnel ongoing strategic plan, not just a typical campaign

Sleed is always updated on the last trends on (video) marketing without being stuck in typical targeting and ad format options